TEMPORIZED TAP - BASIN | | ART. 451 Temporized swan tap without water hammer, otlet adjustable ART. 451 ATV The same with antivandal system. | | | ART. 461 Temporized swan tap without water hammer, outlet adjustable. ART. 461 ATV The same with antivandal system. | | | ART. 462 Temporized front button tap without water hammer, outlet adjustable. ART. 462 ATV The same with antivandal system. | | | ART. 460 Spare part for temporized tap for art. 461,462,468,316. ART 460ATV Spare part for temporized tap for art. 462ATV. | | TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Timing | 10 sec. (ca. 20%) | Outlet adjustable | min. 4 l/min - max. 13 l/min | Employ pressure | 0,5/6 Bar | | | | | | |